
How well do I develop and organize my message?

So for the Capiskills competencies I decided to choose this one because I believed that it was something that I often struggle with when working on my designs and projects. I often have trouble developing my ideas and pushing past roadblocks... Since choosing my skill I have tried my best to brainstorm and organize my work in these final LIA projects!
To improve my skill I tried my best to stay organized by implementing the use of the calender. I put all my final projects, presentations and tests in my calender including study periods and all my work days. This significantly helped me stay on top of my projects over the past few weeks and with the semester coming to an end I've been planning out which assignments I have to work on each night! To develop and organize my message I've just been trying to find credible inspirtion from other artists and designers without copying their designs of course. All in all I think I went from a level 2 to a level 4 in the past month and even though I still have lots of work to do I'm proud of my improvement!